interview employee engagement in the transformation

VIDEO] Karine Boullier: employee commitment in the transformation

Karine Boullier is Engagement Communication Director at Sanofi. Supporting the idea that managers must drive the digital transformation of companies, she agreed to take part in Beeshake's 5 questions exercise. The theme of the day: how to generate a real employee commitment in the transformation?

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internal communication tools

Internal communication tools: how to get your employees on board?

An article from Fast Company answers the question you've been asking yourself: how do you get your employees on board with your internal communication tools? The answer is clear: to get them to adopt new uses, you have to make them fun. Here are the 3 key ideas of this article:
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Internal communication quiz

The quiz in internal communication: a format that is smarter than it looks

The quiz is a gamification tool that can be used in a wide variety of fields. Training, social networks, print media, and of course, the professional world. Why is the quiz an interesting format for internal communication? Read more

Voluntary commitment of employees

Commitment VS Voluntary commitment of employees

Freedom is not the absence of commitment, but the ability to choose - Paulo Coelho. The term commitment has been on everyone's lips in recent months: "commitment", "employee commitment", "employee engagement"... Indeed, in the age of the revolution at work, of new uses and of digital transformation, it is the approach that should not be ignored...

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employee expectations

5 employee expectations to be taken into account

Today, the employee's experience in a company is just as important as the customer's. Meeting employees' expectations correctly increases their commitment.... Employees must find it worthwhile to work for your company. Well-being, support, corporate culture, values, salaries,...

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