Internal communications - It's often the last thing we consult in the evening, and the first thing we grope for in the morning. Digital technology, and in particular cell phones, have long since become an indispensable part of our daily lives. Faced with this fundamental trend, companies are adapting, and with them, internal communications. In 2015, 43% of those surveyed by Gatehouse said they could access their company's digital channels with their phone, compared with 38% the previous year.

In the office, the classic fixed computer is increasingly being abandoned. This is in favour of other digital services and more mobile, more intuitive and more efficient tools. And when you know that mobility increases productivity by 10% (IMB study "the Upwardly Mobile Automotive Enterprise"), you can see why!

Internal communication : Cell phones in the office

Companies have long hesitated and resisted mobile for fear of mixing the private and professional spheres, and not being able to contain the drift. The arrival of Millennials on the labour market has made mobility inevitable.

[READ ALSO: Employee engagement and Millennials: towards a new vision of the company].

The popularity of new working models, such as remote management or teleworking, also plays an important role in this need for renewal. The concept of ATAWAD (Any Time, AnyWhere, Any Devices), is gradually gaining ground in the office. It implies that the individual can be connected anywhere, regardless of the medium used. The mobile transition of a company is therefore a question of tools. But it is also and above all a question of culture. Indeed, the culture of mobility must be assimilated in a homogeneous way by the employees and encouraged by the managers.

Internal communication: cell phones in the office

Reinventing internal communications

The need for mobility has led to the development of very effective internal communication tools. Mobility raises several issues and generates new needs:

A need to know oneself better

Mobile employees naturally spend less time in the office together. This is why internal communication tools must enable employees to get to know each other better. But beware, it is not just a question of recognising each other: each person must be able to find out in a few clicks what skills his or her peers have, or to search for a skill and find the associated people. This saves time and productivity!

A need for more exchange

Out of sight, out of mind? What is certain is that the less time employees spend together physically, the more they need to exchange! This is why the new internal communication tools allow more dialogue, information sharing andcollective intelligence. But this new context also requires a lot of listening. Indeed, their level of commitment is more difficult to grasp! Keep an eye on online sharing and exchanges: you can regularly take the pulse of your company.

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