Everyone talks about user experience. But what are we talking about when it comes to creating an employee experience? According to the Usabilis website, it is the quality of the experience experienced by the user in any interaction situation. So, ifemployee experience refers to the quality of the employee's experience within the company and in particular within its ecosystem of tools, then how can we guarantee a successful experience?


From user experience to employee experience

The expression user experience has become a real buzzword in a few years. It is particularly used when it comes to the e-commerce experience, or theexperience of a user on a digital tool. But where does this sacrosanct expression come from?

Digital is transforming the whole of society, that's a fact. It has made the world more instantaneous, and customers more volatile. The slightest obstacle - no matter how small - in a purchasing process leads to the shopping cart being abandoned. And the customer goes to the competitor's site. To do this, nothing could be simpler: they can simply switch to another site in two clicks. We are taking the example of e-commerce here, but this is just as valid for any other tool. Indeed, when the user experience on a tool is not simple and obvious, it is very easy to try the next tool. This is why it is essential to take care of the user experience.

This is also true for companies. Indeed, the employees of a company now have a whole ecosystem of tools at their disposal. These tools are more and more vital in the digital age, with the rise of teleworking, mobility, augmented collaboration, etc. They have therefore become an essential part of the employee experience in the company. They have therefore become an essential part of the employee experience in the company. But in any case, the employee has the choice to use them or not. They will also adopt the same behaviour as in their private life. Indeed, if they are not satisfied with their experience with a tool, they will either not use it or will use another one. This practice gives rise to the notion of Shadow IT. This is the use of software within the company that is not approved by the IT department.

As you can see, user experience is a crucial notion for the adoption of new tools in the enterprise. And it is a real component of the employee experience.


3 fundamentals to promote the user experience for the benefit of the employee experience

1/ Avoid the multiplication of tools, or opt for interconnected tools. Indeed, nothing is worse for a user than having to juggle with a multiplicity of tools.

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2/ Opt for tools that encourage employee participation. Conversational tools that allow employees to express themselves, give feedback and propose ideas.

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3/ Always offer your employees responsive tools. In other words, tools designed to work on a computer, but also on a tablet or a smartphone. Because your employees

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