Le JDN définit l’intelligence collective comme « la capacité intellectuelle d’une communauté d’individus qui est issue des interactions entre ses membres, permettant d’effectuer des tâches complexes grâce aux synergies réalisées ». À partir de cette définition, il est donc assez facile de saisir de l’intelligence collective en entreprise. En effet, dans un paysage concurrentiel en perpétuel renouvellement, la capacité d’innovation des entreprises est, de plus en plus, liée à l’intelligence collective de l’ensemble de leurs collaborateurs. Or, dans ce contexte, le digital peut aider. Voici un panorama de 9 solutions digitales pour révéler l’intelligence collective en entreprise.

Digital solutions to reveal collective intelligence: touching on skills

1- Acculturation

Acculturation is essential to develop a culture of collective intelligence and remain competitive. It is aboutaligning employees with a common language. In other words, before creating synergies and collaborating, all employees must speak the same language. Ane-learning tool can help you do this. But to function in a collective intelligence logic, it must be complemented by the following digital solutions...

2- Social learning

This is where the decompartmentalisation of skills takes place. With a digital social learning solution, you allow your employees to share their skills themselves. You therefore accept that each employee has skills and knowledge that can be useful to others, and that you wish to promote. Thus, whereas in a logic of acculturation, training is top-down, with social learning it is transversal. Collective intelligence therefore begins to be put in place through a form of pooling of skills.

Digital solutions to reveal collective intelligence: working on the culture of sharing

3- An intelligent directory

Once skills are flowing better in the company, they need to be referenced. And to do this, there is nothing better than an intelligent directory. This is a directory in which each employee is listed and their skills are indicated. So, for example, if someone is looking for someone who knows how to draw up a business plan, all he or she has to do is type "business plan" into the directory to find the employees who can help. In addition, the directory can be upgraded, depending on the training courses that are successfully completed via the acculturation and social learning tools.

4- A feedback tool

The culture of sharing in companies is above all a culture of feedback. Indeed, every employee must be able to give feedback, but also to receive it. This is how teams improve together. Surveys, for example, are a very good way of asking for and receiving feedback on a given subject.

5- A solution to manage and animate your internal events

A new corporate culture requires rituals to animate this culture. It is therefore essential to organise events that will stimulate collective intelligence and generate emulation. Workshops, design thinking workshops, breakfasts or brown bag lunches All initiatives are good to support your employees in a culture of collective intelligence.

6- The livestream

Your employees are not always in the same geographical location. This is why livestreaming is a digital solution that will be useful to you. Indeed, when you organise an internal event, you can film your event and broadcast it live on a dedicated platform. This way, people who are not present can participate in the event by watching it and even interacting with it.

7- A space for sharing intelligence and best practices

In the spirit of social learning, you can set up a digital tool to allow your employees to share their watch, their inspiration or their good practices. Like a collaborative blog, they can simply write a short text, add media, share links, or even copy and paste inspirational articles. This digital solution should be very easy to use, allow information to be shared in a readable way, but above all allow everyone to find the themes thanks to a tagging system or an intelligent search engine. Monitoring becomes easier thanks to collective intelligence!

8- Thematic digital communities

It may not be appropriate for your employees to exchange information with each other all the time. You can therefore use a digital solution to create thematic communities. It is up to you to choose the relevant themes. Be careful not to use this solution to compartmentalise teams: an employee can be in several groups!

Digital solutions to reveal collective intelligence: innovate collectively

9- A platform forcollaborative innovation

Among the digital solutions for revealing collective intelligence in companies, thecollaborative innovation platform is essential. Indeed, it is the culmination of the decompartmentalisation of skills and of the feedback culture. In fact, collective intelligence becomes a reality when employees can propose ideas to become players in the company's performance. Moreover, according to a study, 91% of employees would feel more motivated if they could propose their ideas to the company. However, for almost 70%, they cannot do so.