BeeGreen, la solution pour rendre votre stratégie RSE crédible et concrète

Mobilisez vos parties prenantes autour de votre stratégie RSE

Engagez vos parties prenantes et offrez-leur l’opportunité de s’approprier et d’incarner très concrètement la stratégie RSE de votre entreprise

Solution d'intelligence collective pour donner vie à votre stratégie RSE - visuel header

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Participative Innovation to support your CSR strategy

CSR strategy - Disseminating best practices

Dissemination of ideas and best practices

Your users propose best practices or innovative ideas for CSR .

You identify them and choose the ones you want to distribute or set up. 

Promoting your approach with an editorial strategy

Share articles, news, podcasts, interviews, videos, etc. to inform your users and raise awareness of your CSR strategy.

CSR strategy: Support your approach with an editorial strategy
CSR strategy: acculturating users with learning paths

Acculturation of your users

Take advantage of our CSR MOOCs or create your own learning content. 

Broadcast them on Beeshake to educate and train your users on the major issues of today and tomorrow

Conduct workshops

Broadcast moments of inspiration (conferences, webinars) live on the platform. 

Organize face-to-face and remote (live) ideation workshops, and create a wall of ideas directly in the digital space dedicated to your workshop.

CSR strategy: Organize workshops

📹 BLOOM, feedback on Cospirit Groupe's CSR strategy

« Grâce à Beeshake, notre stratégie évolue avec la participation de l’ensemble du groupe. Les collaborateurs travaillent en collaboration sur des projets concrets, échangent et participent grandement au développement de notre démarche ».

Olivier Delavoye – Co-fondateur et président délégué – COSPIRIT GROUPE

Our CSR approach

Do you want to go further in the animation of your CSR?

Beeshake is a simple and intuitive platform to engage your employees around your CSR strategy.

Fill in the form on the right and we will contact you with examples of CSR platforms. 

Beeshake CSR logo