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How HOPSCOTCH mobilized all its teams around a federative and participative post-Covid project

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support and contributions

support and contributions



of proposed projects

of proposed projects

A platform to unite teams worldwide

During and after the Covd-19 crisis, HOPSCOTCH Groupe decided to launch an innovation challenge to enable its employees to reinvent the future of their professions (PR, events, digital, shopper experience). In order to provide food for thought for everyone involved, a daily editorial program was offered each day, with inspiring conferences by experts broadcast live on Beeshake. Over 150 employees attended these live e-conferences, whose replays were then widely replays were widely shared.

A platform to unite teams worldwide

As in most sectors of the economy, the HOPSCOTCH HOPSCOTCH Group has been shaken by the Covid-19 episode. Nevertheless, we decided, with the help of Beeshake, to turn this complicated an opportunity to unleash everyone's creativity and invent the future of our businesses for ourselves and our customers.

Déborah Deloison
Déborah Deloison
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