Qu’est ce que le future of work exactement ? Comment cerner les contours d’une notion aussi complexe, qui recouvre autant de réalités ? Outils, process, compétences, pratiques managériales… Difficile d’aborder la question dans sa globalité. Dans son étude annuelle sur la transformation des entreprises, le cabinet de conseil Lecko se penche justement sur le Travailler Autrement. Et l’étude souligne bien la difficulté que nous avons à concevoir le futur du travail dans toute sa complexité :
"If wanting to "work differently" has become obvious to many of the people we meet, few of them are able to specify what this means. »
8 axes to transform our ways of working
Lecko demonstrates throughout its study that Working Differently, and therefore the transformation of companies, is partly due to "local initiatives". In other words, the sum of small actions carried out by teams, sometimes in isolation, is precisely what transforms an organisation. And Lecko defines 8 axes of transforming actions:
- Facilitating remote meetings
- Online document management/editing
- Managing activities in Agile mode
- Collaborative processes
- Knowledge and expertise management
- Self-help
- Communities of practice
- Internal communication
Thus, it is by developing practices that support and reinforce the above that we can achieve profound transformation.
Acculturation and connection at the heart of business transformation
At the heart of the transformation of our ways of working seem to be the issues of acculturation and networking of employees. These notions are also present in the Lecko study. Indeed, when you formalise a desire to transform, it is essential toalign your employees around the raison d'être of this transformation. Because acculturation is also and above all about giving meaning.
On the other hand, the transformation makes the issue of networking of employees crucial. Why else would collaboration be so ubiquitous in current discourse? The more employees are connected to each other, the more they are able to mobilise their collective intelligence and become more agile. Transforming therefore implies putting an end to silos. And to do this, all initiatives will be good to put an end to the compartmentalisation of skills, talents and ideas of your employees. Whether they involve the sharing and circulation of knowledge, collaboration in project mode, or the release of innovative ideas.
[READ ALSO: A culture ofcollaborative innovation must connect people]