The 4 pillars of an innovation culture in business

In an article in Business Insider*, Sara Caroline Sabin explains that young talent, in search of a motivating corporate culture, often turns to start-ups. Indeed, in the collective imagination, the notion of a start-up carries the idea of a dynamic work environment, which listens to the ideas of each employee and where everyone can develop new and inspiring projects. In other words, the start-up is the symbol of a culture of innovation. And that is why it is so attractive to young talent. But any company, whether it calls itself a start-up or not, can put in place the foundations of an innovation culture.

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employee engagement in the company

Employee engagement in companies: definition, levers and measurement

What is employee engagement in business? This is a difficult question, as the notion has become overused. This is why this article invites you to ask yourself what commitment is and what meaning it can have in each organisation. This is a good starting point to present you with some levers to stimulate this famous employee commitment in companies, but also to measure it.

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Brain intelligence in business

Intelligence collective : définitions, bénéfices et principes de mise en place

[Mis à jour le 04/03/24] L’intelligence collective prend de multiples formes : ateliers de créativité, partage de contenus, de savoirs et de savoir-faire, etc. L’entreprise intelligente est celle qui libère les talents, les compétences et les idées, pour en faire profiter l’ensemble des collaborateurs.

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