promote collective intelligence in your internal newsletter

3 ways to enhance collective intelligence in your internal newsletter

You have set up an internal newsletter in your company. This newsletter informs your employees about the latest news from the company, but also about its internal life. What if you used your internal newsletter to further unleash the collective intelligence?

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Co-constructing your raison d'être to engage your employees (PDF)

Co-constructing your raison d'être with your employees means ensuring that they are involved in a vision to which they adhere and for which they feel responsible. By drafting a manifesto based on this co-construction, you formalise a shared vision and convictions. The objective: to align your employees towards a common objective and action plan.

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How to motivate your employees? 5 ideas that change

Your employees may not be as motivated as you are. A lack ofemployee engagement can have negative repercussions on the performance of your company, the well-being of your employees, or even the quality of your recruitment. The problem is that the old recipes for motivating employees are running out of steam! So if you feel that your attempts to motivate your employees are not successful, you should know that this situation is very common. In short, you are not alone! That's why we're giving you 5 ideas that change to help you motivate your employees.

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5 formats of collective intelligence during containment

5 collective intelligence formats to use during (and after) containment

Teleworking should not prevent you from stimulating collective intelligence within your teams. On the contrary! The distance forces you to redouble your imagination to strengthen the links between your employees and encourage them to find ideas to be even more innovative. Here are 5 collective intelligence formats taken from our White Paper: 24 collective intelligence practices and particularly relevant in these times of confinement.

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collective intelligence is phygital

Collective intelligence is phygital: physical AND digital

Collective intelligence is phygital. But what does that mean? This article explains why collective intelligence needs rituals, and why these rituals can only be physical AND digital.

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Collective intelligence and Millennials

Collective intelligence and Millennials: the key to the quest for meaning?

You couldn't miss the trend: Millennials are looking for meaning at work. Some articles highlight the suffering at work of the younger generation when faced with companies that fail to motivate them. What if collective intelligence was the key to this problem? Indeed, because it values the collective in the service of a common project, collective intelligence gives meaning back. It responds to a need for both social cohesion and individual development. In short, between collective intelligence and Millennials, it would seem that we are dealing with an interesting complementarity to exploit.

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collective intelligence software

How collective intelligence software boosts employee engagement

The intranet, which is central to internal communication, has limitations in terms of use that Corporate Social Networks have been able to overcome. But to what extent? And in what way are these two tools complementary? The editors offer you an overview in this article.

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Internal communication tool

Internal communication tool: encourage your employees to fill in their profile

Your company is changing and you have a new internal communication tool: a corporate social network, anemployee engagement tool, a collective intelligence platform... Your tool most likely has a directory. And chances are that your number one challenge is to encourage all your employees to fill in their profile. Does this sound obvious? But it's a real challenge! Profiles usually contain a photo, a description, but they can also list the person's skills, know-how, projects, etc.

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internal communication and Millennials

Internal communication and Millennials: 5 best practices to engage them

It's one of the major challenges today: how to (re)reconcile internal communication and Millennials? Because the new generation has turned the codes of engagement at work upside down. They have their own expectations of the professional world, and we are still working on understanding and meeting those expectations. Read more