Un article du site Virtual College se questionne sur la culture d’entreprise apprenante. Autrement dit, comment devenir une entreprise apprenante ? Comment mettre en place une culture adaptée au développement de compétences, et ce en continu ? Comment pousser les salariés vers le haut en permanence ? À leur faire adopter un « Growth Mindset », c’est-à-dire une mentalité ouverte, évolutive, qui les pousse à se dépasser ?

READ ALSO: [MANIFESTO] The definition of the learning company

In fact, if it is difficult to implement such a mindset in business, it is because it requires accepting to make mistakes and take risks. This is far from obvious! However, this is necessary to move towards a learning company culture, to help employees grow, to build a relationship of trust and loyalty, to encourage teamwork and to stimulate creativity... But how do you do it?

Do not decree a learning culture

The learning company is fashionable. However, positioning employees as learners means saying that they can develop their know-how in such and such a way. It means shaking up established beliefs about skills development. We know how difficult it is to change all this, which is why a learning company culture cannot simply be decreed.

Putting people first

The culture of continuous learning is ultimately a very personal one, which is why a company cannot claim to be "learning" if this state of mind is not anchored in each employee. It is therefore essential to move them to be involved in the process transformation process towards the learning model. Conduct surveys, creativity or design thinking workshops...

Using learning to promote change

Continuous learning, and therefore training, are at the heart of the learning company culture. They are therefore naturally the starting point. But beware, forget traditional training and seminars. On the contrary, you need to anchor learning in the daily lives of your employees. Mobile learning, microlearning...: these formats allow for the sharing of good practices, beyond formal training moments.

In fact, skills and knowledge are everywhere in your company. And you have to know how to capture them! Social learning is therefore also an avenue to explore. Indeed, it seems increasingly essential to equip companies with platforms where employees can deposit their knowledge and skills, in order to share them with the whole team. They can build training paths, propose ideas and share their knowledge. What is surprising is that social learning is having a hard time taking hold, when in fact we are all learning from online cross-referenced articles, YouTube tutorials, or conversations with our peers. A learning culture can be established in companies when training is no longer just a matter of face-to-face meetings or seminars, but a continuous and collaborative process. In short, a daily practice.

Communicating with the right words

Words are important when it comes to changing mindsets. For example, moving to a learning culture will require you to change the way you give feedback. You will need to value effort over intelligence, intentions and risk-taking over certain outcomes. There is no point in trying to move to a learning culture if you are operating as a company that values the knowers above all.

Doing what we say

Like all changes in corporate culture, the shift to a learning culture must be driven by your top management. If they don't do what they say, how can you follow them?

Staying convinced

Be prepared, the transition to a learning culture will take time: be persistent and patient, and remain convinced that you have chosen the right direction. Communicate the benefits of the new processes you are putting in place. It will be easier for teams to follow you if they understand the day-to-day, short and long-term benefits of these new ways of working and collaborating.

Bannière Digital Transformation Seed - DTS